“Alliances are made but there is still room for neutrality”
It’s so hard when you’re in the middle of an issue and everybody thinks you’re an ally of one of the parties involved. In fact, they think of you as someone who will use the information against them. This past week, I have been in a position that I thought I would never find myself in. It's just that all this time the issue was considered hot, I never mentioned or did anything that would hurt, mock or criticize both parties. I admit that I commented on the issue, but in a way that I appeared neutral. I have been very vocal to one of the parties that other things more important than the issue are my focus. The mere fact that I have no freaking business or connection with the issue already excludes me from getting involved.
ALLY - join in mutually supportive association: to join, or enlist somebody, in an association with one or more other states, organizations, or individuals for mutual help and support or the achievement of a common purpose
I don’t know if it’s just me or other people also notice that the connotation for ally has been changed by some people. I really don’t know how to put it, but honestly, I have been indirectly accused of being an ally despite the fact that I consistently kept my silence. I am always on the sideline and didn’t even think of crossing and interfering. I always shut my senses that will make me infected of the facts that could get me involved. It’s so farfetched that a person who is denied of the facts -- except those that were acquired incidentally, be indirectly accused of being an ally. What’s the use of getting involved if I myself can’t even solve my own problems. Why add a problem when I have lots of them?
Since I already made my point and cleared things out, I am going to go back to my state of silence. If ever my points aren’t accepted, I really don’t care. It is not my problem that they don’t believe me. Therefore, instead of giving myself a headache with the freaking damn issue, I would rather dedicate my time with things that are far more important than the freaking damn issue.