Formal Interview
Formal Interviews (FI) in my current organization (UP Aguman) is an event to fear for the applicants. That is because the organization has a reputation of terrorizing its applicants about its constitution, and other stuffs. Never had it occurred to me before that I would be experiencing another formal interview that is more dreadful than what I experienced in Aguman.
Last Thursday, I was due for my formal interview in UP OBEM (Organization of Business Economics Majors). Honestly, I was not 100 percent ready for the interview. There were some facts that I was not yet aware of and events that I was not familiar with, nevertheless I was more or less ready for everything that may happen to me. During my walk from CSSP to Vinson’s Hall, I was thinking if only I made more effort in the application process then I would not felt that way. I felt very nervous because I wouldn’t want to fail. Before even entering the room, I was already terrorized but it didn’t hinder me to continue the interview but I was damn very nervous. Since I cannot tell everything that has happened to me in the room, all I can say is that something embarrassing happened to me that the members have to postpone the interview. I had my interview the next day.
Right now, all of us are recovering from the emotional trauma that the interview has caused us though my trauma was at a different level.
That’s it for now…